Alan Kenneth Redman

Born at Scone NSW; raised western Sydney; educated UNSW but did not graduate. Read a lot - and, eventually, wrote a lot too. While he endured a succession of Old Jobs/Old Horrors: as a Tax Clerk he once prepared peoples' final returns, from July first to their date of death; as kitchen hand, Opera House, he was very nearly locked in the walk-in deep freezer (see the ice-carving chef's bunny rabbit, dolphin, et Al). Born under a bad sign he ends up being sectioned twice, club Lindsay Madew, Hornsby District Hospital, and RPAH MHU. At present he lives in Sydney right on the dividing line between Redfern and Waterloo. A 53yo, fit single, who cooks, cleans, shops; whose current read is Gissing's 'New Grub Street'.

US Sailors on Furlough

but we must feel there is something amiss

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