3 Major Recipes by Rasha Tayeh

By | 13 May 2024

Audio portrait of Rasha making Sayyadieh (6:23mins) and 5 recipe photographs

In this audio-visual exhibition On Food & Memory (2016) I documented intimate stories about food histories and practices that shape people’s memories. Memories hold significance on a deeply personal level, and at the same time, construct the rich tapestry of social life. This work explores connections between food, culture and identity; how food is used in rituals and how it forms sensory memory.

In my journey into personal and collective memory, I wondered, in what ways does food, eaten by individuals, feed collective memory?

The stories in this work offer up many answers to this question. But one thing was always apparent – these are all stories about love. Presented here are three out of the nine audio portraits, originally exhibited in a solo show at the Gabriel Gallery at Footscray Arts Centre in 2016.

Audio portrait of Rasha making Sayyadieh (6:23mins) and 5 recipe photographs

Audio portrait of Rasha making Sayyadieh (6:23mins) and 5 recipe photographs

Audio portrait of Rasha making Sayyadieh (6:23mins) and 5 recipe photographs

Audio portrait of Rasha making Sayyadieh (6:23mins) and 5 recipe photographs

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