Rasha Tayeh

TREAT Editorial: by Tricia Dearborn

3 Major Recipes by Rasha Tayeh

Hoax Poetry from Plato to Antipodes: Reflecting on the Ern Malley Trial 80 Years Later by Caitlyn Lesiuk
Two Postscripts to Barron Field in New South Wales: The Resurrection and the Great Seal by Tom Ford and Justin Clemens

26 Years of Accumulated Rage: A (non-exhaustive) List by Serena Thompson
Narrative consequence in Baldur’s Gate 2: A game to play on repeat for 24 years by Patrick Lenton
The Possibility of the New: ‘Nasa sa Isip’ in Oliver Ortega's Nasa by Mesándel Virtusio Arguelles

‘I am happy to disport in any language that will have me’: Lia Dewey Morgan in Conversation with Jerry Pinto

7 Sei Shōnagon Translations by Pinyu Hwang
3 Julio Fabián Translations by Callum Methven

Adversarial Practice: 6 New Poems by Angela Costi
CORDITE 113: INVISIBLE WALLS: Poetry as a Doorway to Intercultural Understanding (BONUS ISSUE)

And 71 new poems selected by Tricia Dearborn:

Pyramid Scheme
by Maria Takolander and David McCooey
by Alvin Pang
Couvade syndrome
by Greg McLaren
some generosities
by Jazz Money
by Tara Skurtu
Tse’s Noodles
by Mukahang Limbu
This Poem is About Flowers
by Vinay Krishnan
Presentation Day
by Anthony Anaxagorou
Summer, Rain
by Eileen Chong
by Achol Juk
by Mary Jean Chan
My Shout
by Megan Cartwright
Maybe It’s Enough
by Tina Huang
exoskeletons are crunchy
by Shoshanna Rockman
On the Way to Vukovar
by Natalie Susak
Before & After
by Jason Gent
Poem for Helen
by Elena Betros López
In dreams
by Kirwan Henry
Piano Moving
by Paula Brancato
Flying Over Birrpai Country
by Teneale Lavender
Tayta’s House
by Yasmin Elbouch
Mother Tongue
by Asha Rajan
Warm all week
by Eva Birch
Car Wash Reiki
by Jane Downing
by Erin Wilson
by Laura Kraftowitz
My Golden Friend
by Kate Maxwell
Cleaning Caravans
by Matthew Friday
The N Word
by Kavita Nandan
by George Cox
Three Durians
by Troy Wong
This Be The Chorus
by Todd Turner
Delicate Men
by Lucy Dougan
How to treat a dairy cow
by Louise Oxley
Coffee Donuts
by Audrey Molloy
by Moira Kirkwood
Bio-diversity Note
by Paul Dawson
Trick or Treat
by Carly Beth
Bad poems
by Rae White
99 Problems
by Daragh Byrne
by Ash Davida Jane
Coconut Drop
by Amílcar Sanatan
El Gatito
by Alisha Brown
Cats Like Plain Crisps
by Carolyn Abbs
Appearances that Matter
by Nour Al Ghrabi
Cucumis sativus parvus
by Zephyr Zhang (张挚)
Glamour Nails
by Alison Gorman
How the heart burns
by Beth Spencer
Judas (My heart)
by Jackson McCarthy
Sister Swan
by Carin Smeaton
Mattar paneer
by Kai Jensen
Wild Creatures
by Bron Bateman
by Suzi Mezei
Your Common Or Garden Mint
by Jennifer Compton
The Croxton Bandroom
by Caroline Williamson
Wash Day
by Simone Sales
My Mother’s Kitchen
by Lesh Karan
The Children’s War
by Beth Merindah
When I See a Leaf
by Daniel Barry
Easter Date
by Jo Lyons
val plays rogue
by Mel Ansell


Released: 13 MAY 2024