무릎의 문양 (Pattern of a Knee)

By | 6 August 2011


I feel good
when I say ‘Knees’ in the evening.
Your knee, the tree’s knee, the knee of time,
A knee is like a place where the body’s ripples
are hovering around the flesh without going outside,
and so if I put a knee down in the evening,
faint swirls of huge weight come round after circulating through the body.

Somebody once lay on my knees for a while
and fell asleep hugging a cow which became a skeleton.
To forget the knee of somebody,
I had to prostrate myself like a blind bone towards all the knees of evening.

“While I’m earning a knee from you, this life has gone. I know, for you and I to talk of one civilization about a knee, I have to let the faintness almost forgotten in my body come up out of the flesh again and again and now I need to call the knee’s name by the air flowing under your knees. In short, birds that would love with their knees worn out soak each other’s body with spit and then become human beings inside a piece of cloth. If they can’t do that because of worn knees, they are not near relatives with this age.


When I saw his knee first,
it looked like the peninsula of a forgotten civilization.
Among the stairs of Gu-Jeol Station,
a knee came in as a black bruise.
The knee escaping from the pants looked like an island rising from the flesh.
While falling asleep hugging his knees,
he was revealing the pattern of the most delicate ripples on this earth
among the places where the body spread over time.

“I know those evenings coming down to your knees are the village you hid under your knees. While I am rubbing down the village as if I rub down a quince sitting alone, birds prick my eyes and flit around the innumerable equators in your body. Just when your knee is filled with water can be heard the sound of the wind’s ear spilling water when it lies on your knee.”


It is said that if a time comes when the knee speaks in motion sickness,
a human being can talk about the joints of time.
On a sunny day
I would sit in a yard with my old mother, lifting my knees.
While massaging my knees,
old mother says, call me as much as you can,
parents do not wait for you all the time.
About that time, birds often sat on twigs, licking their knees.
About that time, regarding every weakness sunk under knees,
I might have been exploring the most horrible syllable in this world.

“What can I call the civilization of knee we shared in this world? As life would be no less than blood ties with time, it might be like snow falling on you while you fell asleep hugging knees. Now even inside of my knee, snow falls heavily. I am a near relative of the knee.

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