4 Self-translations by Danijela Trajković

By | 16 August 2019


through the window
of a familiar house
pressed to the glass
I watch candles trying
to warm a young woman
dobermans are sitting around her
playing violins
raven in its festive suit
standing by the woman’s legs
saying something
white butterflies are sliding
on a satin dress against her stomach
a ship covering the moon with a foreign flag
the wind bets its life
that no bone will avoid it tonight
naked fairies
appearing from candles
dancing feverishly
I’m trying to remember
who the woman was
when I last saw her
why is she lying like this
then there you are
entering the room
the fire tries to jump out of the fireplace
dobermans throwing the violins
(as if their muzzles were
lathered with shaving foam––
like fish out of water)
take a step towards you and stand
looking at the girl
and turn to wax figures
the raven is piously moving away in a corner
butterflies change colour to red
and lose control of their skates
you glue your lips to the woman’s forehead
fixing her strands of hair
with your trembling fingers
you take out red butterflies
that were hidden under your shirt
and show them to her
but she stays calm
huh! holding your hair with your hands
you spin around and around
until you turn into
a big pair of eyes
I remember everything


kroz prozor
jedne meni odnekud poznate kuće
prilepljena uz staklo
posmatram kako sveće pokušavaju
da ugreju neku devojku
dobermani sede oko nje i sviraju violine
gavran u svom svečanom odelu
stoji kraj devojčinih nogu i nešto govori
beli leptiri klizaju se
po satenskoj haljini na njenom stomaku
brod sa stranom zastavom prekriva mesec
vetar se kladi u svoj život
da ga nijedna kost noćas neće izbeći
iz sveća izlaze gole vile
i igraju grozničavo
trudim se da se setim koja je to devojka
kad sam je poslednji put videla
zašto tako leži
tek eto vidim tebe
ulaziš u sobu
vatra želi da iskoči iz ognjišta
dobermani bacaju violine
(kao prekrivene penom za brijanje
njihove njuške liče na ribe na suvom)
prave korak ka tebi i staju
bacaju pogled na devojku
i pretvaraju se u voštane figure
gavran se pobožno udaljava u jedan ugao
leptiri menjaju boju u crvenu
i gube kontrolu nad klizaljkama
lepiš usne na čelo devojke
nameštaš njene pramenove
drhtavim prstima
vadiš crvene leptire
sakrivene ispod svoje košulje
i pokazuješ ih devojci
ali ona ostaje mirna
hvataš se rukama za kosu
i okrećeš oko sebe
sve dok ne postaneš
veliki par očiju
setim se svega

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