19 hear news anchors then the bank clerks adopt this accent the next popular speech tactic arrives inarguable now it’s personally yours power penetrates bodies says Foucault to govern from inside mostly soundlessly you will soon hear us all used as history’s peculiar alliance built simply of its passage plus some friction caused by the indefinite articles that any new deception drags with it did you think words were a way to police yourself syllables could be tamed with your counting thought you’d tempt what Keats left “light- winged” in “some melodious plot” to befriend your failure to be more than fugitive in the “shadows numberless” you can’t just form subversive songbirds harmonically transmitting “thou wast not born for death” along the latest fiber optics to voice an instantaneousness that’d kin you to others in this brokenness to write what you don’t know as if lyric hears it
Previously published in Boston Review
By Rusty Morrison | 1 April 2016