A peach, anticipates Summer.
It’s softness reminding you of dimpled thighs,
your own,
juices sticky upon a sunkissed chest.A peach, may
grow a baby
seed anotherA Peach, just may
start a surging
a feeling
a relentless pursuit of
a never forgetting
must always remember
hold to account
never give up
A Peach just may start a movementA Peach just may be
an acceptance
an inevitability
give hope when, there is none.
Revolutionary.A Rakuraku, anticipates war,
Eyes alert, breathing steady, always at the ready
Untrusting of instituition
Trusting intuition
A Rakuraku will hold to account
never give up
pursue an injusticeA Rakuraku
Is sure, is certain
A Rakuraku, resists, rallys against.A Rakuraku will die for
TūrangawaewaeA Rakuraku, has.
Kōrerorero / the say-so
By Maraea Rakuraku | 1 November 2019