Burmese Black-lipped Bullfrog

By | 27 June 2005

If the West were let in, we'd be the Frank ?´N Furters
Of the amphibian world — black lipstick clad mouths
On the prowl for evolution's democratic buzzword.
Amoral, bi-sexual fraternisation between parties only
Enhances the underground's reputation for risqué.
Burma's a cult classic. But double feature picture shows
Are banned & only documentaries capture us, a species
Under house arrest, we couldn't keep up with the general
Speak. Ecology protection last on the cadres' list of ten
Things to do before they die. We were frogmarched out
Of the final scene, rainforests time warped into rice
Paddies, a Medusa Switch had us on generational hold.
We were often confused with the Chiang Mai flat-footed
; a dictatorial sub-species, more firmly rooted.

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